

Here you will find the journal of a Queer, Mormon, Transhumanist.

Queer Mormon Theology: An Introduction

Queer Mormon Theology: An Introduction

“Queer Mormon Theology: An Introduction” is officially available on Amazon and I have been overwhelmed with the interest, support, and enthusiasm for my work. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but the responses have exceeded my wildest expectations. It is comforting to know that people are reading my book in classrooms, public libraries, and chapels across the country by bishops, stake presidents, seminary teachers, academics, and professors. It’s been wonderful to see people who worship within the walls of the Church taking interest in a book written by someone who no longer attends services regularly.

I think it’s important to clarify that I wrote “Queer Mormon Theology” outside the walls of the Church. I am a faithful member, yes, but I am faithful to the Gospel, the Body of Christ, Mormonism, and our scriptures. I am not faithful to flawed institutions, cissexist and heterosexist handbook policies, or discursive theologies predicated on homogenized, white, androcentric, cis-het supremacy.

The Church has a history of physical abuse and spiritual violence toward queer bodies, and it’s not over. Right now, queer couples and individuals are being disciplined, excommunicated, and shunned for their love, gender, and queerness. Depression, anxiety, and suicide are lived realities for many queer Latter-day Saints. Though I argue Mormon theology is queer-inclusive, the Church is not.

I could not have written such a faithful, inspiring, and hopeful theology while worshiping in a building that threatened my personhood. From panic attacks to suicide ideation, my body had an undeniable, physical reaction to the pews that would have made it nearly impossible for me to see the goodness and queerness of Mormonism.

It’s strange to say, but leaving the pews was the best thing that ever happened to my testimony. I am more orthodox than ever, more loyal to my faith and its teachings, more connected to my community, significantly healthier, and more at liberty to live the gospel according to the dictates of my conscience.

“Queer Mormon Theology” isn’t a justification for queer abuse. “Queer Mormon Theology” is a prayer offered up to all those willing to engage in continuing revelation and stop queer abuse. It’s a sliver of hope that someday, somewhere, somehow, Latter-day Saints will see what is hidden in plain sight. Queerness is not a challenge to overcome or deviation from the gospel, but an essential and vital part of our doctrine and flourishing.

Every time I see someone post a photo of my book on their lap in sacrament meeting, I am brought to tears. It warms my cold queer heart. I have no plans to return to the pews anytime soon but knowing that many of you are taking my book into chapels across the country feels like part of me is still there with you. Thank you for your love and commitment to the members of the Body of Christ that you won’t see at church on Sunday. God bless you!

Book Club Discussion Questions

Book Club Discussion Questions

A Letter to Jesus on a Queer Christmas Night

A Letter to Jesus on a Queer Christmas Night