

Here you will find the journal of a Queer, Mormon, Transhumanist.

Celestial Genocide

Celestial Genocide

Let me make this as clear as possible. Suggesting queer folks will be turned into cisgender, heterosexuals in the next life is the equivalent of the celestial genocide of queer folks.

Imagine if celestial glory were controlled by queer folks and we talked to you the way that you talk to us. If we were as oppressive and dangerous as you, we would tell you that we needed to “fix” you if you are going to be a part of the Heavenly Family. We would tell you we were going to make you all genderqueer, pansexuals because we like you better that way. We would tell you God will take away your heterosexual, cisnormative desires and make you, well, less "you."

How would you feel about your celestial conversion therapy? Would you even be “you” anymore? “You,” to a certain extent, wouldn’t even exist anymore. “You” would be gone, and in your place would be the queer avatar we all wanted you to be.

This is how you talk to us.

Yet, for some reason, cisgender heterosexual Latter-day Saints think it’s okay to advocate for “celestial conversion therapy” on queer Mormons. Do you see the problem here? If queer people will be “fixed” upon mortal death, mortal death becomes the quickest path to end our pain. However, you misunderstand me if you think the pain ends with the suicide of a queer mortal body. No. In your interpretation of Mormon theology, our pain will not end upon our mortal death. The pain only ends upon our spiritual death—when you transform our souls and bodies into cisgender, heterosexual drones. At this point, we will truly no longer exist and you can be content to play with your cisgender, heterosexual drone that maybe bears a passing resemblance to our mortals selves. Under your narrative, our pain only ends upon both the death of our bodies and spirits. You advocate for our extinction.

I am not exaggerating when I say advocating for the transfiguration of queer folks into your version of a celestial being is nothing short of advocating for queer celestial genocide. If this wasn’t already obvious to you, hopefully it is now.

This will not be my story. My story will not be told by my oppressors. It’s time for a new narrative.

Queer Conversations

Queer Conversations

The Choice is Ours

The Choice is Ours