

Here you will find the journal of a Queer, Mormon, Transhumanist.

Love Wins: Family Home Evening

Love Wins: Family Home Evening


To help children understand that they can follow the example of Jesus Christ and show love for others who are different from them, particularly LGBT people.


Scriptures, colored paper, pencils, scissors, stapler or glue, computer with internet access (optional)


John 13:15; 34-35, Matthew 22:36-40, Luke 10:25-37


Feel free to adapt the lesson to be age-appropriate for your children. This is written at a kindergarten level, so I only included the first four letters of LGBT. Feel free to add other letters to LGBT and explain what they mean, especially if you are an LGBT parent or have an LGBT child. Consider having an LGBT friend or family member share their experience.


Invite a child to give the opening prayer.

Show a picture of a rainbow. Ask the children what they think of when they see rainbows. Share that symbols can mean different things to different people.

Show a picture of a rainbow flag. Explain the rainbow flag was once used as a symbol of peace. Different countries have used a rainbow flag to show their commitment to peace, even when they have differences. However, meanings and symbols can and do change. Today the rainbow flag is used by the LGBT community to show that even though we have differences, we don’t need to be ashamed of those differences.

Share that LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. A lesbian is a woman who falls in love with another woman . Gay usually means a man who falls in love with a man. Bisexual is when a person could fall in love with a man or a woman. Transgender is when a person feels like a different gender than the one people thought they should be.

For example, families come in all different shapes and sizes. Some families have two dads, while others have one dad and one mom. Some families have two moms, and others may have one dad, one mom, and a stepmom. Some children are raised by their grandparents and some children are adopted. There are many different types of families, but the most important part of a family is that they love and care for each other.

Scripture Story:

The scriptures teach that Jesus Christ is the example we ought to follow (John 13:15), and disciples of Jesus will be known by how they loved one another (John 13:34-35). Jesus also taught the greatest commandments are to love God and your neighbor (Matthew 22: 36-40).

It is important to love those who are different from us. One example of loving people who are different from each other is the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Read, summarize, or show this video of the Parable of the Good Samaritan to the children.

Ask the children how they felt about the man who was beaten, robbed, and left for dead.

Ask the children how they felt when other men walked by the hurt man and did not help him.

Ask the children how they felt when the Samaritan helped the hurt man and gave his own money to help the hurt man.

Which of these men showed their love through their works?

In the story, who did Jesus say we should be like?

Explain some families and people are treated poorly because they are different. Sometimes people are unkind or even mean to boys who want to marry boys or girls who want to marry girls. The world can be especially scary for transgender people. Sometimes people tell them they must be a boy when they really feel like a girl. Sometimes when they dress, talk, or act like a girl people get very angry. There are times when people will hurt and even try to kill transgender people. Throughout the world, many LGBT people are like the man left to die on the road to Jericho. Many LGBT people and their children have been hurt by people who think that their families are not as good as other families.

However, just like the Good Samaritan, we can do something about it. We can love and help LGBT people, especially those who have been hurt. That is what Jesus said, “Go, and do thou likewise.” (Luke 10:37)

Ask the children, how can we show our love for LGBT people? How can we be like the Good Samaritan?

Some examples might include:

Wear a rainbow pin to church to show LGBT people at church you love them.

March in a parade with Mormons Building Bridges.

When you hear people say mean things to an LGBT person, you can tell them to stop.

When you hear people say wrong, hurtful things about LGBT people, you can correct them and tell them all the things you love about LGBT people.

Make a donation to an LGBT organization (see list below).

Volunteer with an LGBT organization (see list below).

Invite an LGBT person or family to your home for dinner.

Ask an LGBT person how they would like to be helped.



Help the children cut rainbow colored paper into 30 strips to make a rainbow paper chain. Have the children write down their ideas of how they can love LGBT people on the paper strips. Try to think of 30 total—one for each day in the month of June. Staple or glue the strips of paper to make a rainbow paper chain for the month of June. Then each day in the month of June, do one thing to show your love for LGBT people. If once a day is too much, try every other day. Try to set the tone each day in the month of June to be more loving toward those who are different from you, especially LGBT people.  

While the children work, explain June is a special month for LGBT people. It is a time to celebrate our diversity, honor LGBT people who have died, and affirm that all people are worthy of love. This is called PRIDE month (if your children are older, consider introducing Stonewall here). During this time there will be a lot of rainbow flags. When we see rainbow flags, we can remember that the rainbow is a symbol of peace and love.


If you feel so inclined, share your testimony of our Heavenly Parents’ love for all Their children, and your testimony of Jesus Christ that He is the example we ought to follow. If you are LGBT or have LGBT children, consider sharing ways in which others have shown love toward LGBT people and how that has impacted you and your family.


Additional Resources:

Queer Meals
Mormons Building Bridges
Provo Pride
P Flag
Equality Utah
Human Rights Campaign

A More Posthumanist Transhumanism

A More Posthumanist Transhumanism

